In 2024 Dr. Wiedman was promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure at Seton Hall University. He looks forward to continuing to work with and mentor students at SHU!
3B Lab Members Present at Fall Research Symposium 2023
The 3B Lab was proud to have work presented by three of its undergraduate members, Zena Kara, Yogarupa Das, and Dylan Schwartz, at the 2023 Fall Research Symposium.
Zena presented exciting ongoing work in the 3B lab related to azobenzene molecules such as those published by 3B lab members Dr. Cristina Ventura and Charnette Frederic.
Roja showed updates on the lab’s fungi-targeting peptides.
Dylan exhibited new research on Affibody conjugates being done in collaboration with the Romanian Academy.
Continue to follow updates on these projects on our “Current Projects” page!

Seton Hall University, 3B Lab Hosts North Jersey Fall 2023 ASM Meeting
The Fall 2023 meeting of the Theobald Smith Society, Northern New Jersey section of the American Society for Microbiology, was held October 27th at Seton Hall University. The nearly 50 attendees included students and faculty form Seton Hall, Rutgers University, Rowan University, and New Jersey City University as well as from Industry.
Event attendees were pleased to hear talks by keynote speakers Dr. Jennifer Leeds, Director at Novartis on the prospects for commercial development of antimicrobials and young investigator awardee Dr. Dana Price on the prevalence of pathogens in mosquitoes and ticks throughout New Jersey.
These talks were proceeded by lightning talks about student research and postdocs as well as a poster session. If you are interested in joining Theobald Smith Society for future events, please check out: NJ Microbe
Dr. Wiedman, 3B Lab Honored by University with Faculty Researcher of the Year Award
On Many 10th, 2023, Dr. Wiedman was honored to receive the Faculty Researcher of the Year Award in the Sciences on behalf of the 3B Lab. The award was given for, among other accomplishments, grants that the lab received from the NIH and NSF as part of Dr. Wiedman’s research and scholarship. This is an incredible achievement and a testament to the hard work of all the members of the 3B Lab.
Please consider reading some of the exciting research work that the 3B lab does on other areas of the website!
3B Lab Presents at 2023 Petersheim Symposium
Members of the 3B Lab presented their work at the Annual Petersheim Academic Expo.
Akilah Mateen and Cristina Ventura presented posters while Charnette Frederic gave the keynote lecture: “Innovative fluorescence-based techniques for the identification of small biomolecules”.
Fall Research Symposium Features 3B Lab Members
In December 2022, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Seton Hall University hosted a Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium. Makayla Manfredi presented her research on novel Redox Active antimicrobial peptides while Zena Karam, Reesha Hora, and Ishan Sharma presented their work on biophysical/biochemical studies of flippase enzymes.
The Keynote Speaker was 3B Lab member Cristina Ventura who delivered her PhD Seminar: “Photoisomerizable Membrane Active Peptides”. Cristina’s work had been previously honored with a Travel Award at the Petersheim Academic Expo and she becomes the first Keynote Speaker for the Fall Symposium.
Congratulations to Cristina and all of the 3B Lab Students for their hard work!
3B Lab Helps Host Theobald Smith Society Meeting
Read More here:
3B Lab Members Present at ACS Regional Meeting
On November 15th, 2022 members of the 3B Lab got a chance to meet 2022 Nobel Laureate Carolyn Bertozzi at the NJ ACS Organic Topical Group symposium in her honor. Akilah Mateen and Charnette Frederic presented posters of their current work related to modified peptides and proteins. Great job Akilah and Charnette!
3B Lab Participates in the NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Program
The 3B Lab is happy to share that we will be participating in the NSF I-Corps program to help explore the commercial potential of our antifungal peptides. The work will be headed by Entrepreneurial Lead and 3B Lab member Dr. Robert J Tancer. Our goal will be to determine the viability of synergistic drug combinations to combat antifungal resistance. We would love to chat with people from around the country and world on this topic, please feel free to reach out!
Dr. Wiedman gives advice for prospective faculty at the Biophysical Society
Dr. Wiedman was part of a panel that shared advice on how to transition from postdoc to a faculty position. This informative session was held by the Biophysical Society as part of their outreach and development. For those interested, keep an eye out for more events like this in the future!